How to pay?

A step-by-step guide to making an online payment

Quick Pay

Make your payment instantly using the facilities but not limited to like bKash, Nagad, Master Card, Visa card and some other way. You can pay your renewal fee and new connection fees from here instantly.

Pay bill with mobile banking

You can pay with Mobile banking by following these instructions

Open your bKash app by using your bKash “PIN”

Select “Payment” Option from the bKash menu and enter “01894519400”

Enter the amount you have to PAY

Enter a Reference “KSB User ID”

Now enter your “PIN” to Confirm!

Open your Nagad app by using your Nagad “PIN”

Select “Merchant Pay” Option from the nagad menu and enter “01894519400”

Enter the amount you have to PAY

Enter a Reference “KSB User ID”

Now enter your “PIN” to Confirm!

Open your Upay app by using your Upay “PIN”

Select “Pay Bill” Select Bill Type “Internet” Option you’ll find “KSB NET” Simply tap on it and follow the Next Step.

Enter a Customer ID “KSB User ID” Enter a Your “Phone Number”

Enter the amount you have to PAY

Now Enter “Pay Now” to Confirm!

Suitable Payment Options

Pay with “SSLCOMMERZ” the  most popular gateway in Bangladesh.

Want to pay now?

Direct Bank Transfer

You can pay with Mobile banking by following these instructions

Account Name:     KSB NET
Account No:          1391100030082
Branch name:        Imamgonj
Routing No:           090272806
Account Name:     KSB NET
Account No:          1282112000000122
Branch name:        Kamrangirchar
Routing No:            245273584
A/C Name:     KSB NET
A/C No:          1391100030082
Branch:           Imamgonj
Routing No:   090272806
A/C:            KSB NET
A/C No:      1282112000000122
Branch:       Kamrangirchar
Routing:      245273584
A/C Name:       KSB NET
Account No:    1391100030082
Branch:             Imamgonj
Routing No:     090272806
A/C Name:   KSB NET
A/C No:        1282112000000122
Branch:        Kamrangirchar
Routing:      245273584